The Cabinet of Ministers approves the list of positions with mandatory knowledge of English

On January 14, 2025, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted Resolution №34, which approves the list of civil service positions of categories B and C for which English is a prerequisite. This document is aimed at implementing the provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On the Use of English in Ukraine” and is an important step in ensuring effective international cooperation and integration into the European community.

The Resolution stipulates that English becomes mandatory for civil service positions whose functions require the constant use of this language. This primarily applies to employees who deal with international cooperation, participate in the implementation of European and Euro-Atlantic integration measures, and perform tasks requiring active interaction with foreign partners. At the same time, government agencies are obliged to independently approve the list of such positions in accordance with their structure, taking into account the specifics of their duties. This requirement is mandatory for institutions that implement measures in the field of European integration.

The document also sets certain restrictions: it does not apply to tax and customs authorities. In addition, a clear adaptation period is provided for the full implementation of this initiative — it will come into force four years after the end or lifting of martial law in Ukraine. This approach allows government agencies to thoroughly prepare for the new requirements, including providing training for employees and creating the necessary conditions for mastering the English language.

The adoption of this resolution is an important step in the reform of the Ukrainian civil service. It will help to raise professional standards, ensure transparency and efficiency in the performance of tasks related to international cooperation, and enhance the competitiveness of the civil service at the international level. However, for the successful implementation of these innovations, it is important to ensure proper organization of training programs and support for civil servants who seek to meet the new standards.

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