Iryna Kalnytska took part in the International Bar Association conference
On November 13, GOLAW Partner, Attorney at law Iryna Kalnytska took part in Roundtable discussion of global trends, organized by the International Bar Association – the largest association of legal practitioners the International Bar Association. The event was a part of online conference Virtually Together, which this year was held instead of annual general conference. Iryna is a National Reporter from Ukraine of the IBA’s Taxes Committee.

The topic of the discussion was comparative Mandatory Reporting Regimes-DAC6, US reportable transactions and other trends of international taxation on the national and international levels. With the tax advisors from Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland and Mexico Iryna discussed how the mandatory disclosure regime works in practice, what transactions are reportable and what are the the fines for non-compliance with these rules. Iryna also described the latest initiatives of international taxation in Ukraine, especially implementation of the BEPS reforms.
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