Anti-corruption regulation in Ukraine in 2022. Special report for Lexology
Anti-corruption regulation in Ukraine in 2022, its compliance with international anti-corruption law, the latest amendments to Ukrainian anti-corruption legislation, as well as activities of Ukrainian anti-corruption bodies in the full overview presented by GOLAW Managing Partner, Attorney at law Valentyn Gvozdiy, especially for Lexology.
Relevant international and domestic law
International anti-corruption conventions
To which international anti-corruption conventions is your country a signatory?
Ukraine is a signatory to the following international anti-corruption conventions:
- the Civil Law Convention on Corruption, ratified by Ukraine on 9 September 2005;
- the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption, ratified by Ukraine on 27 November 2009;
- the United Nations Convention against Corruption, ratified by Ukraine on 2 December 2009;
- the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, ratified by Ukraine on 4 February 2004; and
- the Protocols.
Foreign and domestic bribery laws
Identify and describe your national laws and regulations prohibiting bribery of foreign public officials (foreign bribery laws) and domestic public officials (domestic bribery laws).
The legal framework prohibiting bribery in Ukraine both of foreign and domestic public officials includes the following major acts:
- the Law of Ukraine On Prevention of Corruption of 14 October 2014, 1700-VII – defines the legal and organisational principles of the functioning of the anti-corruption system in Ukraine, the content and procedure for the application of preventive anti-corruption mechanisms, rules for eliminating the consequences of corruption offences;
- the Criminal Code of Ukraine of 5 April 2001, 2341-III – establishes criminal liability for corruption offences; and
- the Code of Administrative Offences of Ukraine of 7 December 1984, 8073-X – provides for administrative liability for corruption-related offences.
Ukrainian anti-corruption rules are also dispersed across other specialised laws and subordinate regulations that establish the rules of conduct for public officials, disciplinary liability for certain types of officials, conducting of inspections and investigations concerning corruption practices.
Successor liability
Can a successor entity be held liable for violations of foreign and domestic bribery laws by the target entity that occurred prior to the merger or acquisition?
The successor liability concept is not applicable in Ukraine.
Lexology GTDT – Anti-Corruption Regulation
Civil and criminal enforcement
Is there civil and criminal enforcement of your country’s foreign and domestic bribery laws?
So far, established court practice has shown that the law enforcement in the bribery area remains rather subjective in Ukraine. The Ukrainian legal and business community is anticipating the first court ruling related to bringing companies to liability for corruption offences, which should provide some guidance on prospective law enforcement in this area.
Out-of-court disposal and leniency
Can enforcement matters involving foreign or domestic bribery be resolved through plea agreements, settlement agreements, prosecutorial discretion or similar means without a trial? Is there a mechanism for companies to disclose violations of domestic and foreign bribery laws in exchange for lesser penalties?
The Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine stipulates that a prosecutor and a suspected or accused person may conclude a special agreement on recognition of guilt named plea agreement, which is similar to deferred prosecution agreement, but not identical. In this way, a suspect may negotiate a plea agreement with the prosecution for lenient sentencing. A plea agreement imposes duties on a suspect or an accused person to cooperate with the prosecution to detect corruption offences. It will also set conditions for the partial release of criminal liability and detail the agreed punishment. At the same time, Ukrainian law does not provide for a mechanism to conclude plea agreements with companies in exchange for lesser penalties.
Foreign bribery
Legal framework
Describe the elements of the law prohibiting bribery of a foreign public official.
Corruption of foreign public officials is regulated under the Criminal Code of Ukraine (Chapter XVII) applicable to domestic public officials.
Failure by the company’s officers, who are responsible for the prevention of corruption, to implement respective measures which led to the commission of corrupt actions may result in the company becoming subject to criminal sanctions.
Under the Code of Administrative Offences of Ukraine, a failure by the responsible officers or employees of the company to take action on combating corruption in the case of discovery of corrupt actions entails the imposition of a fine of up to 250 statutory non-taxable minimum incomes or if the same offence has been committed again within the year following the first offence – up to 400 statutory non-taxable minimum incomes (article 172-9).
Definition of a foreign public official
How does your law define a foreign public official, and does that definition include employees of state-owned or state-controlled companies?
According to Ukrainian law, a definition of the foreign public official may refer to the following persons:
- a person who acts in an official capacity for a legislative, administrative or judicial body in a foreign country;
- an official of a public international organisation and members of international parliamentary assemblies and international institutions; and
- a judge of an international commercial arbitration tribunal.
Gifts, travel and entertainment
To what extent do your anti-bribery laws restrict providing foreign officials with gifts, travel expenses, meals or entertainment?
When determining whether unlawful benefit took place, the Anti-Corruption Law and the Criminal Code of Ukraine do not distinguish between types of gifts. Besides, Ukrainian law does not provide for specific regulation for hospitality expenses (gifts, travel expenses, meals or entertainment) that may be lawfully offered or given both to domestic and foreign officials. Any such gifts both to domestic and foreign public officials will be considered as an unlawful benefit. At the same time, there is no responsibility for providing gifts according to the current law of Ukraine, responsibility is provided only for domestic or foreign public officials who received a gift. The Anti-Corruption Law defines limitations concerning the value of the allowed gifts that may be presented to public officials. It is prohibited for public officials to receive any gifts except those corresponding to commonly accepted ideas of hospitality and within allowed limits. In particular, the Ukrainian law prohibits:
- receiving a gift, the value of which exceeds one subsistence minimum set on the day of acceptance of the gift; or
- receiving from one person (group of persons) during the year, the total value of which exceeds two subsistence minimums, established for a working person on 1 January of the year in which the gifts are accepted.
Exceptions for receiving gifts are the following cases:
- when a gift is given by сlose persons. These persons are: husband, wife, father, mother, stepfather, stepmother, son, daughter, stepson, stepdaughter, siblings, siblings, brother or sister-in-law, nephew, niece, uncle, aunt, grandfather, grandmother, great-grandfather, great-grandmother, grandson, granddaughter, great-grandson, great- granddaughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, guardian or trustee, a person who is under the guardianship or custody of the said official. However, if the value of a gift from a сlose person is more than five subsistence minimums, then such a gift must be reflected in the annual anti-corruption declaration. If the value of the gift exceeds 50 subsistence minimums, then official must indicate its receipt by submission the notice of significant changes in property status to the National Agency on Prevention of Corruption; and
- when gifts are received as public discounts on goods, services, winnings, prizes or bonuses.
Facilitating payments
Do the laws and regulations permit facilitating or ‘grease’ payments to foreign officials?
Ukrainian legislation does not permit facilitation or ‘grease’ payments. Moreover, solicitations of such payments will be considered as a bribe. Any facilitation payments made with the intention or purpose of influencing the actions of a receiver is prohibited and illegal.
Payments through intermediaries or third parties
In what circumstances do the laws prohibit payments through intermediaries or third parties to foreign public officials?
The offences under the Anti-corruption Law and the Criminal Code do not differentiate between bribery committed directly or through intermediaries. Any such payment made through an intermediary will be considered as having been given directly and the intermediary will be considered as an accomplice to the act of bribery in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
Individual and corporate liability
Can both individuals and companies be held liable for bribery of a foreign official?
Both individuals and companies could be found liable for bribery of a foreign official committed in Ukraine. Legal entities may be responsible for corruption offences under the following circumstances: (1) the company’s authorised representative commits a corruption offence on behalf or in the interests of such a company; or (2) the authorised person failed to take anti-corruption measures that led to the commission of a corruption offence.
The Criminal Code of Ukraine establishes a criminal liability of companies. Companies may also bear civil liability for bribery that is represented in certain negative consequences. In particular, according to the Anti-Corruption Law, contracts and other documentation originating from a corrupt offence are considered null and void will lead to other negative consequences defined by civil and commercial legislation.
Private commercial bribery
To what extent do your foreign anti-bribery laws also prohibit private commercial bribery?
Private commercial bribery in Ukraine is prohibited under the Anti-Corruption Law (section X). It requires Ukrainian companies to ensure the development and implementation of adequate measures for preventing corruption in their activities. It also obliges companies’ CEOs and shareholders to ensure regular assessment of the corruption risks their companies may face, and the implementation of relevant anti-corruption measures. The violation of those anti- corruption measures and rules by any employee (if made part of the employment duties) may result in taking a disciplinary action against a guilty employee, up to his or her dismissal. Such effective measures may mitigate the risk of potential criminal liability of these companies for bribery offences committed by their officers and other authorised representatives.
What defences and exemptions are available to those accused of foreign bribery violations?
Under the Criminal Code of Ukraine, defences available to those accused of foreign bribery violations are: active assistance in the investigation of a crime, confession to the commission of a crime and sincere repentance and active assistance in the investigation.
Agency enforcement
What government agencies enforce the foreign bribery laws and regulations?
There are still no precedents of enforcement of the foreign bribery rules by Ukrainian government agencies. At the same time, the competent authorities in Ukraine must provide legal assistance to foreign law enforcement authorities upon their request, if the international treaty on legal assistance is concluded between the respective states and ratified by Ukraine. In doing so, the Anti-Corruption law stipulates that the authorised Ukrainian agencies may provide for and obtain from the relevant foreign agencies’ information, including confidential data, pertaining to the prevention and combating corruption. The National Agency on Corruption Prevention is entitled to exchange information with authorised foreign bodies and international organisations, to cooperate with foreign government agencies, NGOs and international organisations on the matters within the National Agency on Corruption Prevention credentials. The National Anti-Corruption Bureau is entitled to participate in international investigations and to conclude agreements with foreign and international enforcement authorities for collaboration on matters within their power.
Patterns in enforcement
Considering that Ukrainian anti-corruption legislation does not have extraterritorial jurisdiction, for now, there have been no cases of enforcement of foreign bribery rules in Ukraine, since Ukrainian bodies cannot commence any actions in Ukraine under foreign bribery laws.
Prosecution of foreign companies
In what circumstances can foreign companies be prosecuted for foreign bribery?
Ukrainian bodies are not entitled to prosecute foreign companies for foreign bribery. However, they can cooperate with foreign law enforcement authorities at their request, if the international treaty on legal assistance is concluded between the respective states and ratified by Ukraine. To date, Ukraine has signed and ratified more than 60 treaties in the field of international legal cooperation in criminal cases.
What are the sanctions for individuals and companies violating the foreign bribery rules?
Taking into account that Ukraine is not empowered to investigate and prosecute violations of foreign bribery rules, there is no legal framework for the application of any kind of sanctions for individuals or companies violating such rules.
Recent decisions and investigations
Identify and summarise recent landmark decisions or investigations involving foreign bribery.
Considering that Ukrainian authorities do not investigate violations of foreign anti-corruption laws, the question is not relevant.
Financial record-keeping and reporting
Laws and regulations
What legal rules require accurate corporate books and records, effective internal company controls, periodic financial statements or external auditing?
Ukrainian legislation includes a number of laws concerning those questions:
- the Law of Ukraine on Securities and the Stock Market of 23 February 2006, 3480-IV;
- the Tax Code of Ukraine of 2 December 2010, 2755-VI;
- the Commercial Code of Ukraine of 16 January 2003, 436-IV;
- the Law of Ukraine on Accounting and Financial Reporting in Ukraine of 21 December 2017, 2258-VIII; and
- the Law of Ukraine on Prevention and Counteraction to Legalization (Laundering) of Criminal Proceeds, Terrorist Financing, Financing of Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction, of 06 December 2019, 361-IX.
Disclosure of violations or irregularities
To what extent must companies disclose violations of anti-bribery laws or associated accounting irregularities?
In general, Ukrainian legislation does not directly oblige companies to disclose violations of anti-bribery or associated accounting irregularities. However, the Anti-Corruption Law, for instance, obliges state and local authorities, legal entities and their subsidiaries to report known corruption to the relevant authority. Also, there are generally no disclosure obligations for companies, except that notification be given to a compliance officer, CEO or shareholders of a legal entity.
Prosecution under financial record-keeping legislation
Are such laws used to prosecute domestic or foreign bribery?
These laws are used to prosecute domestic and foreign bribery.
Sanctions for accounting violations
What are the sanctions for violations of the accounting rules associated with the payment of bribes?
For failure to take anti-corruption measures and violation of the financial control requirements the Administrative Offences Code provides an administrative liability and the Criminal Code of Ukraine provides a criminal liability.
Tax-deductibility of domestic or foreign bribes
Do your country’s tax laws prohibit the deductibility of domestic or foreign bribes?
Yes, Ukraine’s tax laws prohibit the deductibility of domestic and foreign bribes.
Domestic bribery
Legal framework
Describe the individual elements of the law prohibiting bribery of a domestic public official.
Bribery of domestic public officials is regulated by the Criminal Code of Ukraine (Chapter XVII) and the Law of Ukraine On Prevention of Corruption (often referred to as the Anti-Corruption Law). In 2014, by amending the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the criminal liability of private legal entities for corruption actions had been introduced in Ukraine.
The definition of public officials stipulated in the Criminal Code of Ukraine is quite broad and not sufficiently detailed. It encompasses any individual who exercises public managerial functions on behalf of the state. However, the Anti- Corruption Law provides a list of specific types of public officials, which consists not only of the state-level civil servant, but also local government officers, managers of state-owned companies, notaries, auditors, experts, receivers, arbiters of arbitration tribunals or other persons who perform similar public functions.
Failure by the company’s officers, who are responsible for the prevention of corruption, to implement respective measures which led to the commission of corrupt actions may result in the company becoming subject to criminal sanctions.
Under the Code of Administrative Offences of Ukraine, a failure by the responsible officers or employees of the company to take action on combating corruption in the case of discovery of corrupt actions entails the imposition of a fine of up to 250 statutory non-taxable minimum incomes or if the same offence has been committed again within the year following the first offence – up to 400 statutory non-taxable minimum incomes (article 172-9).
Scope of prohibitions
Does the law prohibit both the paying and receiving of a bribe?
Ukrainian legislation prohibits both the paying and receiving of a bribe. According to Ukrainian law, it is more correct to use the term ‘unlawful benefit’ rather than ‘bribe’. The term ‘unlawful benefit’ implies both active and passive bribery, which include promising, proposing, providing or receiving funds or other assets, benefits, privileges, services or non- material valuables with no legal grounds. This criminal offence (proposition, promise or granting of unlawful benefit to a public official) can be committed both by public officials (without distinction on domestic or foreign) and by private individuals who try to bribe or have bribed a public official. The unlawful benefit to employees of private legal entities is also punishable by law.
Definition of a domestic public official
How does your law define a domestic public official, and does that definition include employees of state-owned or state-controlled companies?
For the purposes of prosecution for bribery domestic public officials are defined as persons:
- for whom a special authority to perform such functions was provided by a respective state or local authority, central state executive body with a special authority, authorised body or official of an enterprise, institution or organisation, court of law; or
- those who permanently, temporarily or under special authority perform functions of representing state or local authorities or permanently or temporarily occupy positions in state or local bodies, state or municipal enterprises, institutions or organisations, related to managerial or business-administrative functions.
Gifts, travel and entertainment
Describe any restrictions on providing domestic officials with gifts, travel expenses, meals or entertainment. Do the restrictions apply to both the providing and the receiving of such benefits?
Ukrainian legislation provides for certain restrictions on receiving gifts by domestic officials, but not on providing them with gifts. For violation of such restrictions, the person who received such a gift may be brought to administrative liability. Ukrainian anti-corruption law does not provide for specific regulation for hospitality expenses (gifts, travel expenses, meals or entertainment) that may be lawfully offered or given both to domestic and foreign officials. Thus, the definition of the term ‘gift’ is broad and includes any kind of financial or other unlawful benefit provided in terms of corporate hospitality. Receiving any of the mentioned above gifts will be considered a violation of anticorruption law. However, there is no liability for providing gifts according to the current law of Ukraine; liability is provided only for officials who have received a gift. The Anti-Corruption Law defines limitations on the value of the allowed gifts that may be presented to public officials. It is prohibited for public officials to get any gifts except those corresponding with commonly accepted ideas of hospitality and within allowed limits. In particular, the Ukrainian law prohibits:
- receiving a gift, the value of which exceeds one subsistence minimum set on the day of acceptance of the gift; or
- receiving from one person (group of persons) during the year, the total value of which exceeds two subsistence minimums, established for a working person on 1 January of the year in which the gifts are accepted.
Exceptions for receiving gifts are the following cases:
- when a gift is given by сlose persons. These persons are: husband, wife, father, mother, stepfather, stepmother, son, daughter, stepson, stepdaughter, siblings, siblings, wife’s brother and sister (husband), nephew, niece, uncle, aunt, grandfather, grandmother, great-grandfather, great-grandmother, grandson, granddaughter, a great-grandson, great-granddaughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, guardian or trustee, a person who is under the guardianship or custody of the said official. However, if the value of a gift from a сlose person is more than five subsistence minimums, then such a gift must be reflected in the annual anti-corruption declaration. If the value of the gift exceeds 50 subsistence minimums, then the official must indicate its receipt by submission the notice of significant changes in property status to the National Agency on Prevention of Corruption; and
- when gifts are received as public discounts on goods, services, winnings, prizes, bonuses.
Facilitating payments
Have the domestic bribery laws been enforced with respect to facilitating or ‘grease’ payments?
Ukrainian anti-corruption laws do not envisage any difference between unlawful benefits and facilitating or ‘grease’ payments. Consequently, any unofficial payment made to derive unlawful advantage from Ukrainian officials will be considered as an unlawful benefit.
Public official participation in commercial activities
What are the restrictions on a domestic public official participating in commercial activities while in office?
Domestic public officials are prohibited from:
- engage in other paid activities (except for teaching, scientific and creative activities, medical practice, instructional and judicial practice in sports) or business activities, unless otherwise provided by the Constitution or laws of Ukraine; and
- be a member of the board, other executive or control bodies of the company, the supervisory board of the company or organisation aimed at getting profit (except when such officials perform the functions of the management of shares (shares, units) owned by the state or territorial (local) community, and represent the interests of state or territorial community in the board (supervisory board), the audit commission of the economic organisation).
However, the restrictions do not apply to deputies of the local councils (except for those who exercise their powers in the relevant council on a permanent basis), members of the High Council of Justice (except for those who work in the High Council of Justice on a permanent basis), as well as jurors.
Payments through intermediaries or third parties
In what circumstances do the laws prohibit payments through intermediaries or third parties to domestic public officials?
Bribery through intermediaries is equal to direct bribery and is also a violation. For instance, the Criminal Code provides that an undue advantage received by a third party related to a public official or company officer constitutes a criminal offence equal to the one where the undue advantage is given directly to a public official or company officer. The same principle applies to cases where an undue advantage is promised, offered or given to a public official or company officer, so that a third party could benefit from such officer or official acting or refraining from acting in the exercise of his or her official duties.
Individual and corporate liability
Can both individuals and companies be held liable for violating the domestic bribery rules?
Yes, individuals and companies can be held for violating the domestic bribery rules. Legal entities may be liable for corruption offences under the following conditions: (1) the company’s authorised representative commits a corruption offence on behalf or in the interests of such a company; or (2) the authorised person failed to take anti-corruption measures that led to the commission of a corruption offence. Importantly, application of the ‘measures of a criminal law nature’ to the company is not autonomous in the sense that such corporate liability is linked to that of the ‘authorised person’ who committed the offence. Put differently, such measures are secondary to individual liability and require ‘commission of the crime’, inter alia, by the authorised person on behalf of and in the interests of the legal entity.
Private commercial bribery
To what extent does your country’s domestic anti-bribery law also prohibit private commercial bribery?
Private commercial bribery is prohibited under the Criminal Code. These includes such offences:
- bribery of an official of a private legal entity; and
- abuse of official authority by an officer of a private law legal entity, irrespective of organisational legal form.
For private bribery, Ukrainian legislation also operates with the term ‘unlawful benefit’ rather than ‘bribery’. Thus, according to applicable rules, an unlawful benefit may include funds or other assets, benefits, privileges, services and non-material assets that are promised, proposed, provided or received with no legal grounds.
This crime (ie, proposition, promise, acceptance or provision of the unlawful benefit) can be committed both by public officials and by private individuals who try to corrupt or have corrupted an official, employee or contractor of a private company.
The Criminal Code of Ukraine establishes a penalty and confiscation of the unlawful benefit for this crime.
The Criminal Code of Ukraine (as amended) has provided for the criminal liability of private legal entities. For corrupt
practices, the penalty is a fine. As a rule, the fine should be twice the benefit received by the entity. If no benefit has been received, or if its amount cannot be determined, then the fine should be determined by the judge.
What defences and exemptions are available to those accused of domestic bribery violations?
Ukrainian law does not provide for any statutory defences for bribery (such as an exemption for facilitation payments or the availability of a compliance programme as protection from the imposition of criminal punishment in cases of brib ery of various officials or undue influence by its officials), or other corruption-related offences.
In criminal proceedings, the general defence would be to challenge the prosecution (which bears the burden of proof) to prove the constitutive elements of the relevant corruption-related offence.
Further, the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine provides for the possibility of:
- challenging a notice of suspicion issued by the prosecution before an investigative judge (if such a notice is served, an individual becomes a suspect and might be subject to relevant restrictive measures in a criminal proceeding);
- requesting that the court recognises evidence provided by the prosecution as improper or inadmissible; and
- filing an appeal and cassation appeal against the judgment rendered.
The Criminal Procedure Code also enables participants in the criminal proceeding to request its closure on a procedural basis (eg, as based on a reasonable term of pretrial investigation principle).
The fine imposed on legal entities could be less (within the range established) if a company proves that measures were taken by its ‘authorised person’ (eg, director, shareholder) to prevent a criminal offence from occurring.
Agency enforcement
What government agencies enforce the domestic bribery laws and regulations?
The National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) is a central executive authority with a special status. Its main objective is to develop and implement the anti-corruption policy. The main functions of NACP include, inter alia, implementation of the Ukrainian anti-corruption strategy and evaluation of its performance, monitoring the effectiveness of corruption prevention measures, and corruption counteraction.
The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) is a central executive body with a special status that prevents, terminates, investigates and reveals corruption offences falling under its competence. Detectives of the NABU directly conduct pretrial investigations of allegations regarding corruption offences.
The Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (SAP) is an independent structural unit of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine that is primarily responsible for the supervision of NABU in the course of pretrial investigation, and representation of the state prosecution in respective court proceedings.
The State Bureau of Investigations (SBI) is a central executive authority aimed at preventing, terminating, revealing and investigating corruption offences placed under its jurisdiction, including crimes committed by officials of NABU and SAP.
The Asset Recovery and Management Agency (ARMA) is a special governmental body aimed at identification and tracing of property that may be seized in criminal proceedings, inter alia, for corruption offences.
The Higher Anti-Corruption Court (HACC) is a permanent higher specialist court acting as a court of first and appeal instance. The jurisdiction of the HACC extends to corruption offences only.
The Bureau of Economic Security (BES) is an investigative body authorised to initiate and carry out a pre-trial investigation, conduct investigative and covert actions, and carry out criminal intelligence operations. That is a full- fledged investigation with the detention of persons, searches, interrogations, reporting of suspicion, and the like. BES in order to organise its activities ensures, within the powers provided by the law, the implementation of measures to prevent corruption, violations of the law, official discipline and control over their implementation in the central office and territorial offices of the BES.
Patterns in enforcement
Describe any recent shifts in the patterns of enforcement of the domestic bribery rules.
In 2021, the National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) has approved the Procedure for informing about significant changes in the property status of the officials and politicians (declaration subjects in Ukraine), which has entered into force on 1 December 2021.
Notifications of significant changes in property status must be submitted within 10 days of receipt of income, purchase of property or expenditure in excess of 50 subsistence lines for able-bodied person per month (US$4,553 as of 1 December 2021).
In addition, the NACP must be notified of significant changes in property not only if the one-time expenditure exceeds 50 subsistence lines for an able-bodied person per month, but also if the value of the property is worth more than 50 subsistence lines for an able-bodied person per month, will be paid in instalments, the amount of which does not exceed a certain threshold. In this case, the notice should be submitted after the transfer of ownership of such property.
Also, since 1 December 2021, the declaration form of a person authorised to perform the functions of the state or local self-government (hereinafter, the declaration form), as well as the procedure for filling in and submitting the declaration of the person authorised to perform state or local self-government functions (hereinafter, the procedure) have been renewed.
This procedure determines the process for filling in and submitting to the Unified State Register of declarations of persons authorised to perform state or local self-government functions, declarations of persons authorised to perform state or local self-government functions provided for in article 45 of the Law of Ukraine On Prevention of Corruption.
The number of sections of the declaration remained unchanged, namely: 18. Additional questions were included in the separate sections that detail certain information about the subject of the declaration and members of his or her family, objects of the declaration.
Prosecution of foreign companies
In what circumstances can foreign companies be prosecuted for domestic bribery?
Foreign legal entities are not expressly listed in the Criminal Code of Ukraine as subjects of corruption-related crimes and there is no example in practice of their being held criminally liable for such crimes in Ukraine.
What are the sanctions for individuals and companies that violate the domestic bribery rules?
The Anti-Corruption Law stipulates that for committing corruption offences or corruption-related offences a person shall be subject to criminal, administrative, civil and disciplinary liability.
In terms of the type of liability and penalties that may be implied, the difference between the term ‘corruption offence’ and ‘corruption-related offence’ is that the Criminal Code of Ukraine stipulates criminal liability for corruption offences. The Code of Administrative Offences of Ukraine establishes administrative liability for corruption-related offences.
Criminal and administrative liability of individuals includes enforcement of one or several sanctions, such as a fine, confiscation, community service, public works, corrective works, arrest, restraint of liberty, or imprisonment. As additional punishment, forfeiture of property, derivation of the right to occupy certain positions or engage in certain activities also apply (optionally or mandatory) as well as a fine. All fines are set in relation to the minimum subsistence level for working adult individuals, a figure that is subject to regular review.
The following criminal sanctions may be applied to the individuals bribing the officials:
- penalty;
- restriction of liberty; and
- confiscation of property.
As to criminal penalties appliable to the officials accepting illegal benefits, they are more severe and include:
- penalty;
- derivation of the right to occupy certain positions or engage in certain activities;
- imprisonment; and
- confiscation of property.
As of 2014, private companies also became a subject of criminal liability after amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine came into force. For corruption offences, the penalty is a fine. Private companies might be punished for certain offences (including bribery of various officials or undue influence) committed by their officials or representatives, or for their failure to take measures to prevent the corruption that resulted in the commitment of the same offences by its employees (not officials). In the above instances, the penalty is a fine. As a rule, the fine should be twice the undue advantage unlawfully received by such an entity. If no benefit has been received or if its amount cannot be determined, the fine should be determined by the judge.
Generally, penalties depend on the nature of the criminal offence (eg, receipt of bribe, unjust enrichment, improper influence or abuse of office), the type of official who committed the offence or to whom the improper advantage was
offered (eg, private or public; rank of public official), the amount to which the criminal offence relates (eg, significant, especially large scale) and other circumstances (eg, if the offence was committed repeatedly, or as part of a conspiracy).
However, Ukrainian legislation does not establish disciplinary liability for corruption-related offence. At the same time, certain legislative acts stipulate the obligations for complying with the Anti-Corruption Law. Also, special legislation defines certain categories of officials to whom disciplinary action for corruption practices cannot be applied at all. Disciplinary measures cannot be applied to, inter alia: the president; chairman of the parliament and his or her deputies; members of the government and deputy ministers of the government; members of the parliament; members of local councils; village or city mayors. For some officials, Ukrainian law provides for special procedures for the application of disciplinary measures, among which: judges; military; prosecutors; government officials; other categories of officials whose responsibilities are established by special laws.
Recent decisions and investigations
Identify and summarise recent landmark decisions and investigations involving domestic bribery laws, including any investigations or decisions involving foreign companies.
The number of active anti-corruption investigations currently being carried out is tremendous – hundreds of new investigations have made a resonance over the last years since the launch of the Higher Anti-Corruption Court in 2018. But there have been only a few convictions in high-level corruption cases so far.
As Ukrainian anti-corruption legislation has no extraterritorial application, as well as the absence of cases related to the violation of Ukrainian anti-corruption laws by foreign companies, this question is not applicable.
Update and trends
Key developments of the past year
Please highlight any recent significant events or trends related to your national anti-corruption laws.
Corruption has long been one of Ukraine’s top issues and a topic of constant debate for both Ukrainian and international communities. Among the latest news regarding national anti-corruption law the following are worth highlighting.
The Law of Ukraine On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Concerning the Status of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine in accordance with the requirements of the Constitution of Ukraine of 19 October 2021, 1810-IX has been adopted. The Law eliminates inconsistencies between the Constitution of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine On the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine and provides guarantees of independence for the National Bureau.
The Law defines the status of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) as a central executive body with a special status. The Law establishes the peculiarities of the procedure for the interaction of the National Bureau with the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and other central executive bodies to prevent interference of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in the activities of the NABU.
For almost three years now Ukraine has not had a major strategic document in the field of preventing and combating corruption: the Anti-Corruption Strategy. This has led to unbalanced and inefficient activities of the public authorities, local governments and other public institutions in preventing and combating corruption
As of December 2021, the Law of Ukraine On the principles of state anti-corruption policy for 2020-2024 is still being considered. The approval of the new Anti-Corruption Strategy for 2020-2024 will allow Ukraine not only to solve the abovementioned problems by providing all public institutions with reliable anti-corruption guidelines and tools for the next five years but also will make a significant strategic step forward to minimise corruption.
The proposed Anti-Corruption Strategy is based on five principles:
- optimisation of the function of public self-government bodies;
- digitalisation of all processes. In particular, the construction of a state data centre;
- completion of convenient alternatives to existing corruption practices;
- formation of zero tolerance for corruption; and
- inevitability of responsibility for corruption.
On 11 March 2021, the National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) presented the updated Unified State Register of Persons Who Committed Corrupt or Corruption-Related Offences (Register of Corruptors).
Updates were made possible with the support of the USAID/UK aid project ‘Transparency and Accountability in Public Administration and Services/TAPAS’, in support of the development of the sphere of open data in Ukraine.
Thanks to the updated Register of Corruption, journalists and citizens are able to realistically estimate the number of people convicted of corruption in Ukraine. Information on individuals and legal entities who have committed corruption and corruption-related offences can now be found easily and conveniently.
Law stated date
Correct on
Give the date on which the information above is accurate.
7 December 2021.

Dr. Valentyn Gvozdiy
Managing Partner, Attorney at law, PhD
- Contacts
- 31/33 Kniaziv Ostrozkykh St, Zorianyi Business Center, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01010
- +38 044 581 1220
- Recognitions
- ITR World Tax 2025
- The Legal 500 EMEA 2023
- Who’s Who Legal 2022
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Our expertise
- Antitrust and Competition
- Banking and Finance
- Compliance, Corporate Governance and Risk Management
- Corporate and M&A
- Criminal and White Collar Defence
- Defense in Anti-corruption procedures and regulations
- Labor and Employment
- GOLAW: Natural Resources and Environment
- Government Relations (GR)
- Insolvency and Corporate Recovery
- GOLAW: Intellectual property
- International trade
- Legal support of business and private Сlients in Germany
- Litigation and dispute resolution
- Private clients
- Real Estate and Construction
- Energy and Natural Resources
- Restructuring, Claims and Recoveries
- Martial Law
- Tax and Customs
- Agribusiness
- Aviation
- Chemical industry
- Engineering, Construction and Building Materials
- Natural Resources and Environment
- Financial institutions
- IT and AI
- Industry and manufacturing
- Healthcare industries, Life sciences and Pharmaceuticals
- Media, Entertainment, Sports and Gambling
- Retail, FMCG and E-Commerce
- Transport and Logistics
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