Legislative news digest: LEGAL HOTLINE 23.05.2019
Legal news for your attention:
National Bank of Ukraine Cancels Deadlines for Settlements under Certain Foreign Economic Transaction
According to Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine (hereinafter the “NBU”) No. 67 dated 14 May 2017 “On Setting the Exceptions and (or) Special Aspects for Introduction of Deadlines for Settlements under the Goods Export and Import Transactions, and Amending Certain Laws and Regulations” (hereinafter the “Resolution”), the deadline for settlements under foreign economic transactions will not apply to the following transactions:
- Import of the goods used to produce space and aviation equipment and machines;
- Export and import of the goods for needs of the production sharing contract and the goods provided for by the contract;
- Import of the goods carried out in pursuance of the public defence contracts;
- Import of the services and medicinal products carried out under the procurement contracts executed by the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine and specialised organisations;
- Services, works (except for transport and insurance services and/or works), intellectual property rights and (or) other non-property rights being exported.
As for the other foreign economic transactions, the deadline for settlements remains the same, 365 calendar days.
The resolution entered into force on 16 May 2019.
Period for Development of Construction Designs Reduced
The ten-day period during which the designer has to procure that the construction standards are discussed with the basic organisations carrying out scientific and technical activity in construction, with government authorities and local self-government authorities, legal entities and individuals submitting any proposals has been established by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (hereinafter the “Cabinet of Ministers”) No. 352 dated 24 April 2019 “On Amending the Procedure for Development, Finalisation, Approval and Amendment of the Construction Standards and Declaring them Invalid” (hereinafter the “Resolution”).
The period had been fifteen business days before the Resolution entered into force.
The Resolution also contains the list of the entities responsible for construction standards.
These changes are expected to reduce the period for development of the drafts of National Construction Standards.
The Resolution entered into force on 14 May 2019.
Tariffs for Services of the National Bank of Ukraine Changed
In its Resolution No. 68 dated 15 May 2019 “On Amending the Tariffs of the Organisational Services and Other Types of Services (Transactions) Provided (Carried Out) by the National Bank of Ukraine” (hereinafter the “Resolution”), the National Bank of Ukraine changed the tariffs for providing of certain services.
This Resolution was preconditioned by bringing the list of the services provided by the National Bank of Ukraine in line with the laws of Ukraine and due to revision of the tariff policy of the National Bank of Ukraine with regard to the services provided in certain areas of the NBU’s activity.
The Resolution entered into force on 16 May 2019.
Procedure for Maintaining the Register of Medicinal Products Amended
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (hereinafter the “Cabinet of Ministers”) issued Resolution No. 387 dated 8 May 2019 “On Amending Clause 4 of the Regulations on the State Register of Medicinal Products” (hereinafter the “Resolution”).
The amendments to Clause 4 of the Regulations on the State Register of Medicinal Products were approved.
According to the Resolution, information on medicinal products will be entered into the State Register of Medicinal Products in accordance with the uniform national standards based on the national standards (ISO).
According to the above principles, information on medicinal products may be integrated into ProZorro system. Information will be detailed and consistent.
The Resolution entered into force on 14 May 2019.
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