Legislative news digest: LEGAL HOTLINE 24.01.2019
- The National Bank of Ukraine unveiled an Action Plan for 2019
- New requirements to provide employees with personal protective equipment are in place
- The criteria for assessing the degree of risk from conducting activities in the field of protection of rights to plant varieties have been determined
- A new version of the Instruction on the procedure for conducting technical inventory of real estate objects is in force
- The Classifier of scope of application of settlement transactions registrars has been updated
- An application for the prohibition of real estate registration actions can be filed online
Legal news for your attention:
The National Bank of Ukraine unveiled an Action Plan for 2019
The 2019 Action Plan published by the National Bank of Ukraine, aims to continue the implementation of the medium-term Strategy of the National Bank of Ukraine during this calendar year.
The 2019 Action Plan includes a plan of measures, in particular, to resume lending, ensure low inflation, effective regulation of the financial sector, and free movement of capital. The program also provides for an analysis of internal and external risks that may hinder the implementation of planned activities. Each of the foreseen actions has a deadline for implementation and an estimate of expected effects from their implementation for the financial system.
New requirements to provide employees with personal protective equipment are in place
On January 15, 2019, the Order of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine No. 1804 dated November 29, 2018, entered into force, which approved the Minimum Safety and Health Requirements when using personal protective equipment by employees at the workplace.
Employers are subject to new requirements in terms of providing employees with personal protective equipment during the labor process.
The above requirements apply to business entities regardless of the forms of ownership and organizational and legal form, which in their activity use the means of individual protection.
The criteria for assessing the degree of risk from conducting activities in the field of protection of rights to plant varieties have been determined
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine by its Resolution No. 24 dated January 16, 2019 approved the criteria for assessing the degree of risk from conducting economic activities in the field of protection of rights to plant varieties.
It is envisaged that the frequency of the implementation of planned state supervision measures (control) by the State Service for Food Safety and Consumer Protection will depend on the degree of risk established for the entity. Thus, supervision measures with regard to high risk business entities may be carried out no more than once every two years; with an average risk – no more than once every three years; with a small degree of risk – not more than once every five years.
A new version of the Instruction on the procedure for conducting technical inventory of real estate objects is in force
Effective January 15, 2019, a new version of the Instruction on the procedure for conducting a technical inventory of real estate objects, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine No. 186 dated July 26, 2018, entered into force.
The new edition of the said Instruction created prerequisites for conducting technical inventory of high-risk real estate objects and high-security facilities, as well as facilities of incomplete construction.
In addition, the issue of information and materials exchange between economic entities that carry out technical inventory of real estate objects has been settled.
The Classifier of scope of application of settlement transactions registrars has been updated
The State Fiscal Service of Ukraine informed that the Commission on the issues of maintaining the State Register of Settlement Transaction Registrars has taken the decision to approve the new version of the Classifier of scope of application of settlement transactions registrars.
In particular, the following areas of compulsory use of settlement transactions registrars have been approved: trade, catering, services, fuel sales, foreign currency purchase and sale transactions, cash transfer transactions, when self-service is used to receive and transfer cash, automated machines for the sale of goods (services), electronic taximeters, parking lots, e-commerce, etc.
An application for the prohibition of real estate registration actions can be filed online
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine introduced a service for filing in electronic form applications for the prohibition of registration actions in the State Register of Real Rights to Real Estate.
Corresponding changes were made to the Cabinet of Ministers Order No. 789-р dated October 26, 2016 “On Implementation of the Pilot Project in the Field of State Registration of Real Rights to Real Estate and their Encumbrances”.
The service will be provided on a fee basis and solely on condition that there is a registered title to a separate individually determined real estate object with the registration number assigned to such an object, as well as subject to the use of a qualified electronic signature.

Kateryna Tsvetkova
Partner, Litigation and Dispute Resolution practice, Attorney at law
- Contacts
- 31/33 Kniaziv Ostrozkykh St, Zorianyi Business Center, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01010
- k.tsvetkova@golaw.ua
- +38 044 581 1220
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